Hygienic-Anti Bacterial Design

High Grade Stainless Steel material is hygienic as the materials that are used in cooking. Well designed serpentine prevents bacteria formation. Easy cleaning&no rusting allows to use the hot water in kitchen.

Long Useful Life

Stainless steel boilers useful life is much more compared to hot deep galvanized and enamel coated boilers. Stainless steek boilers can be repaired.

Easy Carriage

Stainless steel boilers are lighter in weight than boilers produced by black sheet.

Aesthetic Design

Boilers are produced according to interior/exterior design of the building. For exterior design usages boilers outer coverage is produced by decorative brushed stainless steel. For interior design usages boilers outer coverage is produced by organically painted sheet metal which minimizes the product cost. Coloured vinyl outer coverage is used for special orders.

Smart Investment

Becouse of having long useful life stainless steel boilers are economic.

Continuous in Hot Water Production

Becouse of having no corrosion or leakage problem -having long useful life- hot water production will be not interrupted. In many countries to replace a boiler to the boiler room walls are destroyed, by using stainless steel boilers there will not be such a problem.

High Quality

Quality controll is applied in all production line. Stainless steel boilers are produced by special production methods and machines.









High Grade Stainless Steel

Stainless steel boiler are manufactured by high grade stainless steel that are written below;

ASTM 304 304 L 316 L


X 12 CrNi 18-20


X 12 CrNi 19-11


X 5 CrNiMo 17-12-2

UNS S30400 S30403 S31603
BS 304 S 31 304 S 11 316 S 11
JIS SUS 304 SUS 304 L SUS 316 L
NF Z 7 CN 18-09 Z 3 CN 18-10 Z 3 CND 17-12-02
SIS 2332/33 2352 2348
Class Austenitic steel Austenitic steel Austenitic steel

Corrosion Resisting

Perfect Perfect Perfect - Acid Reistant


Heat Transfer

To have the maximum heat transfer coefficient specaily designed serpentine -pipe that has a turbulance effect- is used.

Corrosion Resisting

Stainless steel boilers are designed according to pitting type, galvanic type and grain boundary corrosion fundamentals. High grade stainless steels are very durable against corrosion, to minimize the corrosion risk cathodic protection elements are used.

Light Design- Hard Waring

Becouse of stainless steel safety tension is higher than carbon steel, produced by thinner material thus stainless steel boilers -75 -5000 lt- weight is %17-37 less than the boilers produced by carbon steel.

High Technology

Becouse high grade stainless steels are more strong and durable boilers can be produced by only special processes and production methods.


All the products that are sold to customers has identification numbers and test data kept by tracibility system of the company. All the materials that are used in production are tested before production. Tests results are given to customers upon request.


The damages that can occur in stainless steel boilers becouse of faulty installation can be repaired in our factory.


All the boilers are packaged according to importers local, state and federal occupational packing rules. Boilers are covered by nylon and packaged with wooden box. In special conditions boilers can be shipped without wooden box upon request.





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