1. How should I determine which boiler to buy?

If the boiler will be used with a single heat source single serpentine boiler or jacket type boiler may be used. If the boiler will be used with two kind of heat source like solid/fuel/gas boiler + solar energy/alternative heat source double serpentine boiler or accumulator tank may be used.


2. Which type of boiler has longer useful life?

Stainless steel boilers has much longer life compared to other type of boilers.


3. How should I determine the best matching boiler to the existing central heating system?

While determining the best matching boiler the central heating capacity should be checked whether the capacity is enough or not. It is always recommended to have a double serpentine boiler in order to heat the water with solar energy system. For domestic usage double serpentine and for industrial usages (hotel,factory etc) accumulator tank is recommended.


4. How should I determine the boiler capacity?

Solareks Technical Guide.pdf will help you to determine the boiler capacity which is established in download section.


5. For which central heating systems are the boilers useful?

Boilers are suitable for every kind of heating system except where the steam is used. The boilers are useful for Solid/Fuel/Gas boiler, solar energy, heat pump.


6. Which place of the building can be the boiler replaced?

To reduce the heat losses the best place to replace the boiler is the boiler room. Solareks Aqua Boilers can be replaced outside the building.





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